The Police Accountability Board is run by nine, volunteer Board Members. The Board’s role is to oversee the agency’s operations, set the agency’s priorities, and serve on panels during the Board’s investigatory process.
One Board Member is appointed by the Mayor. One Board Member is appointed by City Council for each of the four City Districts (East, West, North and South). The remaining four Board Members are selected by the PAB Alliance, a coalition of community members who helped create and continue to sustain our work.
The law requires our Board Members to be city residents who “reflect the City’s diverse community.” No Board Member (or their family members) can have ever worked for RPD or represented someone suing RPD. Board Members generally serve three-year terms, though some members are serving out shorter preliminary terms.
You can apply to serve on the Board by visiting the PAB Alliance’s website at paballiance.org and clicking on the “Apply for the PAB” tab under the “Joining the Alliance” menu. You can also apply to the board through city council, for more information contact city council at: [email protected]
Larry Knox
Drorah Setel
William G. Clark
Arlene Brown
Yvonne Wilson
Rev. Keith Patterson
Larry Knox
Drorah Setel
William G. Clark
Arlene Brown
The Police Accountability Board’s members is to set the vision for the Board’s work, the job of the Board’s staff is to execute that vision.
We are responsible for managing the day-to-day work of the agency. As the Board’s staff we have to undergo extensive training to understand all parts of policing, public safety, and Rochester’s communities.
We are working to make positive changes in our communities every single day, both inside and outside of the workplace.
As an Equal Opportunity Employer, the Board strongly encourages people of color, people with disabilities, veterans, women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, and gender non-conforming persons to apply.