Methods of Filing
Welcome to the PAB’s methods of filing:
Thank you for contacting the Police Accountability Board. By providing us with your contact information, you are authorizing The Police Accountability Board to: contact you in relation to this report and to share the contact and incident information provided with other city agencies and our affiliates, as necessary. The Board shall redact and keep confidential certain personally identifiable information in accordance with local, state, and federal law. However, some information may be made publicly available, when necessary or required by law.
When reporting an issue, we encourage you to provide as much detail as possible regarding your concerns. When reporting, you may choose to remain anonymous.
You should also know that submitting this report is not the same as filing a Notice of Claim, which is required for filing a lawsuit against The City of Rochester for money damages. For more information about filing a Notice of Claim, please call The City of Rochester Law Department at (585) 428-6949 or visit City of Rochester | Law Department.
You can call and complete a phone intake with a case manager by dialing (585) 428-9999.
You can return completed intake forms to us by mail to: Police Accountability Board, 245 E. Main St Rochester, NY 14604.
To maintain the confidentiality of all reporters, kindly contact us ahead of time if you plan to visit our office. The interpreter is provided at no cost for you.